The Hope Program


The Hope Center program is practical and simple to use, it is made up from a combination of helpful therapeutic recovery tools developed by different and hughly-respected experts over many years.

At Hope we are up and exercising before breakfast. Not every action brings happiness – but there is definitely no happiness without some action, so little by little you will get stronger. Higher power is within, you never know what you are capable of, come to Hope and find out – Simon Mott

The Hope treatment model is of an international standard and is an holistic and evidence-based approach to achieving lasting change. The most popular and successful model currently is CBT combined with mindfulness, 12 steps principles and a strong fitness program, known as the holistic approach.

Isolation is a common result of addictions so our clients all seem to Thrive on the fellowship they get here. In fact being a small centre makes it more like a large family atmosphere. It really works. Its amazing to see the love and care they show eachother. They do get a few quiet evenings to relax and write up their work-assignments.

The Hope Method by Gabrielle Harris

Hope has been extremely fortunate that the author, Gabrielle Harris write this eye-opening book about her experience’s observing the Hope Theraputic program, interviewing our staff & our clients. Download a PDF copy of this comprehensive description of the Hope program. This 87 page PDF book is a great place to start if you are interested in the community and what it has to offer.


Recovery & Treatment

Usually when we are going through a bad patch in life, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that things are sure to get better soon – there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, these reassuring words may be just false comfort. The sad reality is using can put you in a downward spiral that only ends when you take your last breath. There is a way out though if you are prepared to enter recovery with the help of treatment.

Perhaps you already accept that things need to change in your life, but you want to be able to sort out your own problems without any outside interference. If you haven’t been able to bring things under control up until this point, what makes you so sure you can do so in the future?  Treatment can give you the best chance of a better life, so doesn’t it make sense that you would want this option if you are serious about quitting?

Perhaps you accept that you have a ‘bit’ of a problem but the idea of something like a residential treatment centre sounds way too extreme. If you are high functioning, you may be able to keep the lid on things for a while, but it is doubtful that you can keep this up indefinitely. This behaviour is almost certainly negatively impacting your life, so how bad does it need to get before you become willing to change?

The Best Type Of Program

There are a number of different approaches to recovery, and the secret to success is for you to pick up the tools you need to build a better life in sobriety. The best place to do this is going to be in an inpatient treatment center because there you can experience with sober living in a protected environment. You are going to be at highest risk of relapse during the first few months of recovery, but entering a residential facility greatly increases your likelihood of success because you will be supported and encouraged every step of the way.

At Hope we provide you with the perfect environment for building your new life in recovery. Our approach to recovery is to use proven evidenced-based approaches such as mindfulness therapy, CBT, and 12-step work. We are located in a discrete and peaceful location on a hill looking over the Gulf of Siam – these surroundings make it easier to calm the mind and begin the work of transformation. If you would like to find out more about our approach to treatment, please contact us right away for a friendly chat by email or using the contact form on this page.

The Hope Method – A Treatment program with a multidisciplinary team approach. Your weekly program consists of two individual counselling sessions, personal training sessions, and daily massage therapy. Our structured group program includes.

Individual Counseling
Daily Therapeutic Groups
Psychological Recovery Tools
Mindfulness Coaching
Morning Meditation Groups
Aftercare Groups & Support
Traditional Thai Massage

Muay Thai Boxing Training
Island Trips
Weekend Excursions
Temples & Beaches
Fitness & Yoga
Healthy Eating & Thai Cuisine
Voluntary Work
Advanced Program
Sober-House Option

Therapies That Help You Recover

There can be no real progress until you stop using but this alone is unlikely to be enough to guarantee a better life. Years of abuse may mean you struggle to cope with life unless you pick up some new coping tools for dealing with things. The goal of recovery is not to get you back to where you prior to getting hooked – if things were so great back then. The following five therapies are offered as part of the program at Hope. These approaches are designed to not only help you stay free of problems but also to create the wonderful life you deserve.

Mindfulness Therapy

The goal of mindfulness therapy is for you to develop a new relationship with your mind. For many of us, it is our negative thoughts that makes life so unbearable that we turn to maladaptive behaviours for relief. By practicing mindfulness, you will start to ‘unstick’ from the thought patterns that have prevented you from loving life, and the more you do this, the more inner peace you will enjoy.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

There are a number of tools from CBT that can be incredibly useful when facing the challenges of sober living. The most important of these is the ABC technique where you get to see how the triggering (activating event) of unhelpful beliefs can cause you to engage in harmful/hurtful behaviour. Tools like the ABC are easy to use, and they can greatly increase your ability to perform better in life.

Gratitude Therapy

The key to happiness is not about always getting what you want but appreciating what you already have. If you lack gratitude, you may never really experience happiness no matter how much you manage to get or achieve. Gratitude therapy is a therapy where you train your mind to notice the good stuff – it only needs to take a few minutes per day, but it can have a major influence on how you perceive the world.

12-Step Techniques

The purpose of the 12 Steps is to encourage your spiritual growth through developing a more accepting and honest relationship with the world. Participating in this program means you will be supported by those who are facing similar challenges to you and who are committed to sober living.

Group Therapy Workshops

Being part of a group helps you see that you are not alone when facing your problems – this is why one of our mottos at Hope is ‘together we are stronger’. Group therapy can give you the opportunity to see things in a new way and the different perspectives may provide the answer you are looking for. You can also learn an awful lot about yourself by listening to other people who are going through a similar thing.

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